Teaching Hatha Yoga: How to Influence Students without Criticism
...When you are teaching Hatha Yoga classes, do you ever want to reach out to a particular student, who does not seem to understand a Yogic technique? Maybe you feel a bit frustrated that you have covered this same point, in the last six Yoga classes, and this student was there each time, but does not comprehend it.
You must first realize this Yoga student is very loyal and should not be taken for granted. Yoga teachers are human, and feel frustration, but this is a person who willingly gives his or her time to learn Yoga from you. The Yoga teacher / student relationship should never be taken for granted.
A loyal Yoga student is valuable, persistent, dedicated, and you should make him or her aware that you notice the effort. If you praise what he or she does right, your cueing, and assisting, will not be perceived as criticism. Self-worth is part of human nature and creates a Yoga student who is anxious to perform better at your next Yoga cl...more
The Purpose of Yoga- Transforming Anxiety into Self-Mastery with Pranayama
...come self aware. Self awareness is called by many things, but this state of mind is most often called self-realization.
Yogic self-realization is being present, and mindful, of the present moment. It also allows you to recognize minor stress from severe stress. Some people feel major stress going to work on Monday. Maybe their supervisor is chronically demanding, an influential co-worker is toxic, or the high pressure atmosphere has taken a toll on the health of their co-workers, deadlines are unrealistic, or their job security is threatened every waking minute.
In this case, self-realization makes us realize that we can take steps to find another job. You m...more
The Most Effective Use Of Yoga chairs
Yoga Off the mat - A Lesson From the Ocean
... against my skin and my sun-kissed arms absorbing the nourishment of this bearer of light, I watched the tide moving in and out unfailingly dancing to its own rhythm. I observed how a single wave was its own entity and yet part of the entire ocean. It was impossible I observed to feel any kind of separation when we see ourselves in the same way. We are the wave and the ocean. The Self and Atman. Everything was contained in that one moment just like it is contained in this moment. We are re-creating ourselves each moment anew. just as we cannot bathe in the same ocean wat...more