Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Age of Blu-Ray

Do you remember how awesome it was when you upgraded from you old VHS tapes to DVDs? The picture was way clearer and the sound was amazing, right? Well another technology shift of even greater proportions is on the horizon in the home entertainment industry.

A standard dvd or dvd-R disc has about 4.7 GB of storage, but the new Blu-Ray discs have over 25 GB of storage on a single-layer disc and 50 GB on a dual-layer disc! And all that extra space, over 10 times more than a regular dvd, does not go to waste. Movies in Blu-Ray format will have crystal clear, life-like High Definition picture and superb digital sound. This unprecedented high quality combined with a 1080p High-Definition TV will be like nothing you have ever seen before. Are you salivating yet?

The only thing that will stop you from running to your nearest Circuit City, best Buy or Sony Style to pick up a Blu-Ray player and a couple movies to go with it (and if youre really ambitious, you can buy a Blu-Ray disc burner too) is the large and almost unwieldy price tag.

Today, a stand-alone Blu-Ray player will cost you around $1000, with each movie at about $50, meaning it would take a sizable chunk out of that portion of your bank account you allocate towards home entertainment. Now if you have a phone number annual salary that wont be a problem, but what about for the rest of us?

Well, just as with any new and emerging technology, the price will be very high at the outset, meaning that mostly techies and people who dont mind dishing out a few thousand bucks will buy it. But with time (maybe even in time for the 2006 holiday season), the price will drop until it becomes affordable. And for those of you who absolutely can not wait to get one of these awesome pieces of technology in your living room, you will be glad to hear that the new Sony Playstation 3 coming in November 2006 will come equipped with a Blu-Ray player. This next-gen console will cost around $600, a bargain for just the Blu-ray player.

The Playstation 3 will be the most powerful gaming machine ever released in terms of raw computing power. It features a new technology called a Cell chip, which works like 9 CPU microchips in one. This allows for blazing speeds and spectacular graphics, especially when it comes to running lots of programs simultaneously.

So, how do you obtain this tantalizing cinematic machine without overdrawing your checking account? My advice is to wait until the holiday season. The mainstream will have caught wind of the new Blu-Ray technology and it will become a holiday must-have. The price will inevitably be lower, and it will be your choice whether you want to go with a stand-alone player or a ps3.

If you wish to find out more about Blu-Ray players and what movies are available, check out for more information. This is a technology that will awe and inspire, and it will forever change the home theater experience.

Richard Weber

Yoga Teacher Program Florida

The Amazing Benefits Of Green Tea - Especially For Weight Loss

In this article I'm going to talk about the various benefits you can obtain from adding green tea to you daily beverage intake.

But before I get into that, you need to know what green tea is.

Unlike Black tea most of us drinks, green tea comes from China or Japan. Not only is it an ancient tea leaf, it also has amazing nutritional benefits you won't find anywhere else.

Green tea has become more and more popular among Americans in the past decade due to the media influence and the ever increasing "push" to live healthy.Green tea provides us with some of nature's most powerful natural substances.

Let's now talk about the major benefits of drinking green tea.

Here is a short list of benefits you can obtain from drinking this amazing teas:

1. It reduces high blood pressure.
2. It reduces blood sugar.
3. Contains Antioxidants to remove free radicals in human body.
4. It reduces the risk of heart diseases.
5. It reduces the risk of stroke.
6. It reduces the risk of blood clot.
7. It reduces bad cholesterol in the blood.
8. It reduces harmful effects from cigarettes smoking.
9. It reduces arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
10. Helps prevent osteoporosis.
11. Helps prevent allergy, cold and flu.
12. Keeping fluid balance.
13. Relieve fatigue.
14. Awakening thought (also includes concentration).
15. It boosts your immune system.
16. Aiding in cancer prevention and reducing tumor growth.
17. Helps with oral hygiene
18. Supporting liver protection.
19. Helps with stress relief.
20. And this one is a major benefit - it aids in Weight Loss by increasing the metabolism and burning calories. You won't find this in many teas.

Drinking only a few cups of green tea can do your bodyvery good.

If you are looking to lose weight with green tea...well it's very easy. It seems that the media made green tea a very popular weight loss remedy. Due to it's attention...they have now came up with weight loss pills with green tea in them.

...Imagine that...a healthy diet pill.

That is just another form of green tea which makes it easier for people to commit to such a healthy substance.Taking a capsule is much easier than committing to drinking a few cups of green tea.

In the end I'm sure that the capsule based green teas will help you lose weight much faster than the green tea itself, due to other ingredients withing the capsule which boosts the process.

It all depends on the consumer's need in the end.

Please visit my Green tea lens for all the information you need on Green tea, including:
Where Green tea comes from

Where to get real green tea leaves.
information on Green tea diet pills. etc...
Click Here to Visit the Green Tea Weight Loss Lens It's jam-packed with great information about Green teas and weight loss.

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Weight Loss - How Does Habits Influence Us, Being Over Weight?

Thinking positively does not happen by it self. It requires aware focused attention and we need to practice it, consciously, to habitually develop the ability to think positive. The ability to think and act positive and makes it possible to turn a negative situation into positive experiences, with bonus outcomes. We can unleash our newly discovered unlimited mind power to attract success, friends and anything we desire in life. The old habits are the negative habits, which, stall us, limits us and prohibits us, to go beyond ourselves to achieve a successful life.

Positive thinking alone will not change our lives. Re-organizing our minds and our way of life (habits) will provide us with a structure and to form a solid foundation on which to build a clear vision and outlook of the present (as is) and the future (should be) situation. We create our own happiness and our own drama. If you are not currently happy do something about it. We need to Change our habits to get a different outcome?

How do we change a Habit.

* Enhance your Self Esteem - through self acceptance - to be on your own side, to affirm yourself as a human being, to be committed to your own growth, your own value as a human being. (The thought process of the (as is) situation)

* Evaluate your Self Worth - Establish and evaluate your problem and face the real problem. (as is situation)

* Ensure and re-assure your self of what you want to achieve - Your choice and decision. (What is the should be situation)

* take a stand and decide on an action plan - Consider the When, Where, Why, With Who (all the W's)

* Put your plan in action. - (Keep to the Rules)

* Evaluate whether it is working, if not, adjust. (See Reflection below)

* Reward your self when you have done well. (Keep to your Rules)

That's it - Go for It - put the habit in a bag with a cement brick and drown it. take on a Weight Loss diet and kick the old habit of being over weight!


Do an evaluation, alone at a quiet time. Reflection is a review of the events which happened in a day. Some went great, some bad. Have you done great today? What went well and went not so well? How can you improve? Re-commit to your goals? Have you reached your goal or still far from it? Or worst still, moving further away from your goals.

To your well being!

I am Frik van der Schyff born in Pretoria, south Africa. 1947. after graduating and 32 years in senior corporate management as Operations Director in a major retail chain. I opened my own business and are involved in various projects.

My experience of life and well being of the mind and body is of extreme importance. The balances between our spirit, mind and body and the effects and influence it has on our selves, others and our environment. Social, political, religious, financial and natural environment.

My preferred field of interest, social and natural environment, are increasingly threatened. The bigger picture of the cause, impact, influences,problem analysis, possible solutions and problem solving of a specific.

My articles are based on real life experience and are dedicated to improvement, restoration and preservation of the above.


Is Hoodia a Safe Dieting Pill?

Thinking about shedding a few pounds or getting down to your ideal weight without breaking your bank account and going under the knife? Nobody should ever go on a crash diet by starvation and only consuming the odd carrot and celery sticks for months on end. Drastic dieting leads to immediate weight loss but it is never sustainable and can be very damaging to your body as it is deprived of the basic nutrients it needs on a daily basis to function properly. It leads to premature aging of the skin and bones, damages your internal organs and causes chronic fatigue and lack of concentration.

There are many medicines out there that promote weight loss on a more sustainable basis which means once youve reached your ideal weight, it is not hard to keep the weight off. However be careful about taking a new weight loss medicine or any type of dieting pills that promise dramatic weight loss results. Many medicines have adverse side effects, from the milder complaints such as upset stomachs to the more severe reaction such as a cardiac arrest. It is vital to check these risks before starting on the medicine. Different individuals may react differently to these dieting pills, be cautious.

One of these medicines is hoodia. hoodia, based on the plant hoodia gordonii, is a plant that produces a substance that acts as an appetite suppressant. The Sans Bushmen of Africa have been using it for thousands of years to allow them to weather through leaner times when food is scarce. The hoodia phenomenon began in 2003 and since then thousands of dieters have been using this pill to help them shed the excess weight without any reports of violent reactions or negative side effects. This said, there really hasnt been any solid research done on hoodia to determine if it causes the body any harm. Safety organizations have not yet had the time to conduct scientific studies into this plant as it is still a relatively new discovery. Pfizer, one of the companies to originally work on isolating the appetite suppressing agent in hoodia did caution that hoodia Gordonii may cause some harm to our liver.

When your appetite is suppressed, you tend to forget to keep your body fluids up. Remember to take sufficient fluid to keep hydrated. In addition, do not abuse these products, take them in moderation and once your ideal weight is reached, reduce your normal intake. Combine this dieting pill with regular exercise and healthy food to maintain your weight. Taking it to the extreme can lead to addiction and drive a dieter into anorexia which will then lead to other medical problems such as heart palpitation, damages to the lining of your blood vessels and arteries while increasing your blood pressure.

Due to the lack of any concrete scientific evidence that hoodia breaches any safety standards, the signs are good so far. However, always practise caution stop taking hoodia as soon as you experience any symptoms that are out of the ordinary. Use hoodia in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle to achieve permanent weight loss. Do not expect it to be the miracle cure all pill.

For more great information and advice on Hoodia, please visit us at

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