Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Determining Your Training Heart Rate Range

When performing different fitness activities you will find that your heart rate will be at different zones depending on your intensity. Did you know that where your heart rate is will actually determine what results you will achieve? There are four different training heart rate zones and each are different.

General Health Zone:

In order to reduce the chance of developing chronic diseases it is recommended to perform some type of fitness activity at 50 to 60 percent of your maximum heart rate for 30 minutes. You need to be trying to achieve this at least 3-4 times a week. Later we will determine how to calculate your maximum heart rate and the zone heart rate calculations. Activities to put you in this range include: walking, gardening, or easy cycling for example. Any low intensity activities can get your heart rate where it needs to be for general health.

Weight Management:

If you are looking to reduce your body fat and achieve weight loss than you need to get your heart rate in the 60 to 70 percent zone of your maximum heart rate. Once again you need to keep your body exercising for at least 30 minutes, and perform a decent pace jog for example in this zone. There is no need to do fast running or any sprinting as your heart rate is only still at 60 to 70 percent.

Aerobic Conditioning:

If your goal is to improve your cardio-vascular conditioning for better stamina and endurance, you should put your heart rate in the 70 to 80 percent training heart rate range. If you are fairly fit already than most likely you will need to be in this range to achieve weight loss. You need to remember if you are new to training then you wont need to get your heart rate as high to achieve weight loss. This zone will probably require you to start running and keep the pace for at least 30 minutes.

Advanced Conditioning:

Are you training to get your body in top shape for maybe some type of sporting event such as a triathlon? Then you need to be pushing your body over the 80 percent maximum heart rate training zone. This workout zone is definitely for the extremely fit people as its hard to keep your heart rate in this zone for an extended period of time as it can become quite physically and mentally demanding.

How do you work out your maximum heart rate zone? Well just use the formula below and you then could be determining your training heart rate range.

Maximum Heart Rate = 220 - Your Age

So lets say you are 24 years old than your maximum heart rate will be 220 24 = 196 beats per minute (bpm)

Lets say you wanted to achieve weight management then you need to keep your body in the 60 to 70 percent zone of 196 beats per minute. This can be found as follows:

(60% - 70%) * (196) bpm

Minimum heart rate range = 60% * 196 bpm = 117.6 bpm

Maximum heart rate range = 70% * 196 bpm = 137.2 bpm

Therefore for an average 24 year old who wants to perform weight management they should keep their heart rate between 118 to 137 beats per minute (bpm rounded).

The final thing you must think about is how to measure your heart rate. If you are using a piece of fitness equipment sometimes they may have hand held pulse sensors or a heart rate chest strap included. Hand held pulse sensors are only around 80 percent accurate where a heart rate chest strap provides about 99 percent accuracy. This is very important as if you want to measure your heart rate accurately then you are going to need a chest strap to get you the best results possible. One of the best heart rate monitoring companies is Polar who make the heart rate watches you wear which use the chest strap to transmit your heart rate. You will need a portable watch if you decide to exercise without equipment that caters for your heart rate. start measuring your heart rate today and getter better results instantly!

Michael Ward is the business owner of Australias leading fitness equipment store called Unbeatablefitness.com.au If you visit http://www.unbeatablefitness.com.au you will find one of Australias largest fitness product range and all at the best prices money can buy. http://www.unbeatablefitness.com.au aims to provide fitness equipment for everybody no matter on their budget at hand. Not only do we provide equipment but also fitness advice as the team at http://www.unbeatablefitness.com.au all have long term experience in the fitness sector ranging from weightlifting, cardiovcascular training to the martial arts! Check out our prices and you wont be disappointed. For more information contact us at admin@unbeatablefitness.com.au

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Taps - Disk VS Spindle

Traditional Spindle

Traditional spindle taps are still the most commonly used type of tap, simply due to the amount of time that they were the only type available. They operate by turning the tap head to achieve the desired flow rate.

Without getting too technical, the tap has a spindle through its core and a valve seat attached to the bottom of the spindle. A standard tap washer, usually made of rubber, is fixed to the end of the valve seat. As the handle is turned the spindle rotates and the screw thread moves the valve seat up and down to adjust the flow of water. The valve seat is positioned over the hole through which water flows. The valve seat will rise up and down as the spindle is turned, allowing proportional control of the flow of water. The traditional spindle approach is cheaper than the ceramic disk alternative, but is of an inferior quality.

Whilst durable, tap washers do need to be changed from time to time. This can be an awkward task and a dripping tap can prove seriously annoying, not to mention uneconomical. The appearance is limited by the spindle approach and the modern lever handles are not available using a traditional spindle tap. Ultimately, some form of repetitive turning is required to open and close the tap.

Traditional spindle taps are suitable for high or low-pressure systems. This gives them an advantage over ceramic disk taps.

Ceramic Disk

On the other hand, ceramic disk operated taps are drip free. Changing washers is a thing of the past. The reason for this is the entirely different mode of operation. Ceramic disks get their name from the fact that there are two ceramic disks within the tap body, which when the lever is turned or lifted, the disks are separated allowing water to flow. Only a quarter turn is required to take the flow rate from full on to off if the turn handle approach is used. Ceramic disk taps can look like traditional spindle taps, but inside the tap body the mode of operation is different. Whilst these taps are lower maintenance, last longer and function better, they are more costly, as is normally the case.

Ceramic disk taps are inferior as regards flow rates. They will not work successfully with very low pressures, whereas the traditional spindle type will.

Quick Notes On Pressure:

If you have a combination boiler or an un-vented hot water system (electric point of use water heater) you don't need to worry about pressure. If, however you have a traditional gravity pressure system i.e. a water tank in the attic and a hot water cylinder for domestic hot water generation, then you should make a note of your available pressure. If you have a very low available pressure and purchase ceramic disk type taps, they may not work as desired. Keep this in mind when choosing. If you do have the older, more traditional tank and cylinder system, consult a plumber or plumbers merchant to find out whether a pump is available to provide the needed pressure.

For more articles and information like this please visit http://www.click4bathrooms.com

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