Saturday, April 5, 2008

Weight Loss Diets - A Review Of 4 Popular Diets

1000 calorie diet

Trying the 1000 calorie diet is only advisable for one week, due to your body entering starvation mode and conserving fat. Overdoing the 1000 calorie diet is counterproductive to your body so try to stay on it for only 1 week. After 1 week you will lose between 3-5 pounds. The 1000 calorie diet can be used as a starter diet for a long term weight loss program. Try to aim for 2-3 pounds of weight loss and a good exercise program to begin with. After 1 week on the 1000 calorie diet, try upping your calorie intake or reverting back to a not so severe diet, this will prevent your bodys metabolism from slowing down. Here is a simple 1000 calorie daily menu.

Banana sandwich made with 2 slices of wholemeal bread and a small banana
Small glass of orange juice

1 pot of low fat yoghurt (preferably fruit)

1 wholemeal roll filled with tuna and low fat mayonnaise (use tin tuna in spring water)
Mixed lettuce salad, red or yellow sweet peppers, spring onions

1 bag of lower fat crisps

Roast chicken breast (without skin)
Potatoes, mashed with 30ml semi-skimmed milk
Broccoli (all vegetables steamed or boiled)
Gravy (made from granules)

1 low calorie hot chocolate drink made with powder and water

drinks throughout the day
Diet coke, water, black coffee or tea without sugar

The 1000 calorie diet can be used as a starter diet for a long term weight loss program. Try to aim for 2-3 pounds of weight loss and a good exercise program to begin with. Remember after 1 week on the 1000 calorie diet, try upping your calorie intake or reverting back to a not so severe diet, this will prevent your bodys metabolism from slowing down.

Vegetarian Diet

A well balanced vegetarian diet provides many benefits for the body. Some of those benefits include a reduced risk of chronic diseases, such as:

Coronary artery disease
High blood pressure
Some types of cancer and more

Your vegetarian diet, must be planned well. If not your body could end up in need of some vital nutrients. Some of these nutrients essential for the body are:

Minerals (zinc, calcium, iron)
Vitamin b12
Vitamin d

Protein sources include, tofu and other soy-based products, legumes, seeds, nuts, grains, and vegetables

Experts say that in order for a balanced vegetarian diet, you should eat nuts and whole grain cereals for good sources amino acids.

Greens such as spinach, kale and broccoli are a good source of calcium.

For sources of vitamin b12 which comes from animals, can be substituted with fortified breakfast cereals and fortified soy drinks.

Sources of iron are red meats, liver and egg yolks which are all high in cholesterol. Spinach, dried beans and dried fruits are all good vegetarian sources of iron.

A vegetarian diet is healthier than a meat diet. However this does not mean that you have the right to stuff your face with crisps, chocolate and chips everyday. Your balanced diet should include all of the above, i.e. Fruit, vegetables, nuts, dairy produce and soy. Below is a table of some calorie controls in a vegetarian diet:

Food Group 1200 Calorie 1500 Calorie 1800 Calorie
Vegetables 5 servings 6 servings 8 servings
Fruits 3 servings 3 servings 5 servings
Grains 2 servings 3 servings 4 servings
Dairy 2 servings 2-3 servings 2-3 servings
Beans, Nuts and Seeds 5oz 6oz 7oz
Total Fat 30-35g 40-50g 50-60g

You can find a massive rage of diets on the internet free of charge! A vegetarian diet is an all round healthier option, and can go a long way to helping you on the road to losing weight.

Abs Diet

The Abs Diet works on the theory that every 1lb of muscle gained, your body intern burns an extra 50 calories per day. So if you can build an extra 10lb of muscle your body will then burn an extra 500 calories per day. Using the Abs Diet your body will burn more energy by eating the correct foods and exercising the correct way. Losing 500 calories per day will loose you 1lb of weight per week. Expect to loose up to 12lb in the first two weeks followed by 5-8lb in the forth coming two.

The Abs Diet allows you to eat 6 meals per day which consist of 12 power foods, such as: chicken, turkey and other lean meat, olive oil, beans and pulses, almonds, low fat dairy products, green vegetables, oats, eggs, wholegrain bread, whole grain cereals, berries, and protein powder. All other food is a not allowed.

For 6 weeks you will eat a series of 12 power foods, which provide the body with all the fibre and minerals you need to stay healthy and build muscle. Along with the diet you will do a 20 min workout three times per week, which will aid in the fat burning.

The Abs diet is mainly aimed at men, however women are encouraged to participate. The range of foods you can eat is still good and you do get an exercise program out of it. Also some very good looking Abs, health and sex life. The full diet book is: The Abs Diet by David Zinczenko from all good on-line book stores.

The Kelloggs Cereal Diet

One of the simplest diets around at the moment is the Kelloggs Cereal Diet. It is not a crash weight loss diet which will lose you pounds upon pounds; however it will allow you to get into those jeans that are 1 size to small.

To start the Kelloggs Diet all you have to do is, eat one bowl of Kelloggs Special K or Cornflakes for breakfast, and also one for a replacement lunch or dinner. Thats all! Carry this on for two weeks then you will see the results. Expect to lose around 3-6lb.

Whist on your diet, Kelloggs allow you to have the same drinks and snacks as you usually would, but recommend that you eat a well balanced meal every day, with more fruit and vegetables. Another tip from Kelloggs, is to keep a food diary to monitor and keep you aware of your current eating habits.

Article supplied by Michael Aldridge. For a complete and extensive guide to losing weight, please visit our web site at

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Owens Corning Roof Shingles

The shingles, which you choose for your roof, should reflect your personal style while complimenting that of your home. Owens Corning roof shingles are available in a wide selection. Whether your taste be traditional, distinctive or if you need something to withstand harsh weather, there are many options for your home.

Berkshire Collection

The Berkshire Collection of Owens Corning roof shingles are both distinctive and eye-catching. They are available in natural slate colors and carry a limited lifetime warranty and a 15 year algae-resistance protection. Berkshire shingles also feature a 10 year 110mph wind resistance warranty.

Woodcrest & Woodmoor Collection

Similar in appearance to that of wood shake, Woodcrest & Woodmoor shingles feature rustic hues and deep dimension. The Woodcrest Collection carries a 50 year limited warranty and the Woodmoor Collection offers a limited lifetime warranty.

WeatherGuard HP Shingles

The shingles in the WeatherGuard HP line are designed to protect against harsh weather. They feature a patented composite construction to ensure severe weather resistance and a long shingle life. They have a Class 4 UL2218 impact resistance rating, which may even help homeowners to qualify for discounts with their insurance company in some areas. WeatherGuard HP shingles are available in 6 different colors and carry a 40 year limited warranty and 10 year algae resistance protection. In addition, these shingles have a 130 mph wind warranty when installed with WeatherGuard HP Hip & Ridge shingles.

Oakridge PRO Series Shingles

This shingle line features durability, weather resistance and laminated construction.

  • The Oakridge PRO 50 AR Deep Shadow shingles feature bold shadow lines with special treatment to resist roof discoloration from algae growth. They carry a 50 year limited warranty.

  • The Oakridge PRO 50 Deep Shadow shingles are the basic style and carry a 50 year limited warranty.

  • The Oakridge PRO 40 AR Shadow provides a dimensional appearance and are specially treated to resist algae discoloration. They carry a 40 year limited warranty.

  • The Oakridge PRO 40 Shadow shingles are the basic style and carry a 40 year limited warranty.

  • The Oakridge PRO 30 AR offer many colors reminiscent of stone and brick. They are also specially treated to resist algae discoloration and carry a 30 year limited warranty.

  • The Oakridge PRO 30 shingles are the basic style and carry a 30 year limited warranty.

    3-Tab Shingles

    Owens Corning offers 3-tab roof shingles, which offer an economical approach to a pleasant appearance and lasting performance.

  • The Prominence AR offer the appearance and performance of a laminated shingle, but with the high performance of a 3-tab. They are treated to resist algae discoloration and carry a 30 year limited warranty.

  • The Supreme AR offers superior weather resistance and are treated to resist algae discoloration. They offer a 25 year limited warranty.

  • The Supreme is the basic 3-tab shingle with excellent weather resistance and a 25 year limited warranty.

  • The Supreme AR Metric is a metric-sized, 3-tab shingle with weather resistance and treated to resist algae discoloration. They carry a 25 year limited warranty.

  • The Supreme Metric is the basic metric-sized, 3-tab shingle with excellent weather resistance and a 25 year limited warranty.

  • The Classic AR is the most economical shingle offered by Owens Corning. They are treated to resist algae discoloration and carry a 20 year limited warranty.

  • The Classic is the basic, and inclusive of the most economical, 3-tab shingles and carry a 20 year limited warranty.

  • The Classic Metric is among the most economical shingles offered by Owens Corning. They are metric-sized, 3-tab shingles and carry a 20 year limited warranty.

  • The Glaslock shingles offer a special interlocking feature and are designed to offer wind damage resistance. They carry a 25 year limited warranty.

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  • Fad Diets - Don't Believe These 10 Diet Myths

    If your nutrition and weight-loss education comes mostly by way of fad diet books and magazine articles, you will believe 10 myths and to lose weight you need to get them out of your head.

    Fad diets dont work period - So if you believe any of the following you need to change your view to lose weight.

    1. Skipping meals helps you lose weight.

    No it does not! it makes you hungrier as it creates huger cravings and actually causes you to over eat. You need to eat 5 meals a day.

    2. Your metabolism is slower at night.

    Your metabolism doesn't slow down at night.

    This fad diet myth comes from the fact that most people eat a larger proportion of calories in the evening and if your metabolism slows down then when you sleep these calories will turn to fat!

    As your metabolism is not slower at night, it makes no difference when you eat - its the overall calories consumed that cause the damage not the time of day their eaten that matters.

    3. Carbohydrates cause weight gain.

    This is perhaps the most common fad diet myth. This myth has been promoted by high-protein fad diets on the market.

    Carbohydrates are your body's premier source of fuel. The thing to keep in mind with cards is good and bad ones and eat the good ones is the

    Replace carbs with high sugar content (simple carbs) i.e biscuits and sweets with complex carbs: Fruit, vegetables whole-grain brown rice and cereal.

    Not eating carbs will make you sluggish and irritable.

    4. Lose weight is hard and a chore.

    Well many fad diets are! As they deprive you of foods you love, their therefore hard to stick with.

    Fact is we were never designed to be on fad diets. Dieting is all about balance and you can include any foods you love, but if there sugary or fat foods then you just need to eat them in moderation.

    5. Fat free foods that are calorie free.

    That low-fat label is by no means a license to over indulge Many low-fat products are loaded with sugar to as a substitute for the missing fat, which means they are just as high in calories as the sugar is simply turned into fat!

    6. No Snacks

    If you have time to eat 5 meals a day you wont probably want to snack, if its three times a day a quick snack is a good idea. At the end of the day, its total calories consumed in a day that counts not how you eat them.

    A quick snack can help you stop overeating and keep your energy levels high.

    7. Fat is bad for you

    Fats are part of the natural food chain of humans and we all need a certain amount of fat to healthy, but we need good ones.

    Bad fats increase the risk for certain diseases and good fats lower the risk. The key is to make sure your eating the right fats.

    Fats that are actually healthy are referred to as "essential fatty acids." These fats are required for overall health and lower risk of heart disease.

    The reason oily fish is so good is that the essential fatty acids contained actually help your body burn fat more efficiently and protect against disease. 8. Cholesterol is bad for you

    Cholesterol is a fatty substance that is made by the liver, we all need some blood cholesterol as it's used to build cells and form hormones.

    There is good and bad cholesterol.

    Saturated fats in foods such as meat, cheese, cream, butter help raise LDL (low density lipoprotein) bad cholesterol.

    This then delivers cholesterol to the arteries. HDL (high density lipoprotein) - or 'good' cholesterol - transports cholesterol away from the arteries and back to the liver. simply avoid this group or eat in moderation

    9. Dairy products make you fat.

    Combined with calorie control, a dairy-rich diet can nearly double body-fat reduction and help you lose weight longer term

    The reason is they contain the hormone calcitriol, which helps conserve calcium for stronger bones while sending a message to fat cells to convert less sugar to fat and burn more body fat.

    10. There is a short cut way to lose weight

    This is the myth promoted by all fad diets you can lose weight quickly and be healthy No you cant. Our bodies are not designed to crash diet and fad diets sound easy but people end up being disappointed.

    The only way to lose weight is to do it slowly, with a balanced diet.

    Forget fad diets and lose weight the right way.

    More FREE info

    On fad diets and ways to lose weight sensibly please visit our website for articles, ezines downloads and magazines:

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