The Link Between Yoga, Mindfulness, and Weight Loss (Part 2)
...the kitchen table.
Your inner self or self is sometimes called atman or jiva. This is the creature imprisoned within all of us. We all enjoy eating and want to savor every earthly pleasure to its fullest, but mindfulness makes us aware of much more than consumption of food and earthly pleasures. Therefore, mindfulness can be a natural dieting tool at mealtime.
How is this possible? When you see food - give thanks and tune into your senses. You do not have to give thanks verbally, if it makes you feel uncomfortable, but you should make it a mental exercise, before every meal. This will help your spiritual health and slow the pace of eating down.
The senses of sight, and smell, come into play long before your first bite, so take the time to be mindful of them after you have given thanks. Eat for the right reasons. Those reasons should be: your health and your life.
Eating should be nutritionally dense, in moderation, and in the best possible frame of mind. Be mindful of every bite, your digestive process, and all your senses. This pace will slow you down.
Thoroughly chew each bite and sip water during your meal. Yogis, and Yoginis, learn to pace their breath in Pranayama practice. Therefore, you should pace yourself in regard to eating and breathing at mealtime. You should not be short of breath while eating. If you are, you make eating into a stressful situation. You learn to breathe in Yoga class, and you should continue ...more
Yoga As An Effective Treatment For Back Pain
...About 90% of us will suffer from some for of lower back pain during our adult lives. When this happens many of us as back pain sufferers will be given treatment advice that doesn't really treat the underlying causes of our back pain, focusing instead on simply trying to manage the symptoms with painkillers and other drugs.
But clinical studies have found that most forms of low back pain respond well to conservative (non-surgical) treatments. These simple treatments can really address the causes of the pain and provide lasting relief.
Exercise is nature's cure
As counter-intuitive as it may seem at first, one of the most effective treatments for lower back pain is exercise - regardless of the underlying cause of the back pain. Exercise is crucial to build and maintain a healthy cardiovascular system as well as being essential for the development of muscle strength. This has particular importance in relation to lower back pain because a leading cause of back pain is weak or unbalanced development of muscl...more
Yoga Teacher certification - Where to Get a Recognized Yoga Teacher certification
...h a certificate as a teacher. If you don't have the time and patience to attend these classes, you can always turn to the internet for other teacher courses or try a home course for becoming certified as a yoga instructor which allows you to do everything in the comfort and privacy of your own home at your own time. There are many accredited online teacher courses where you can ...more
What Exactly is a Yoga Swing?
...a great source of recreation for both adults and kids. Whether you are just beginning to learn about yoga, or you are a veteran you should certainly consider adding a swing to your workout routing. It will immediately have a dramatic effect on your workout. It gives you the ability to accentuate all the postures and positions which in turn strengthens your body and dramatically increases your flexibility.
Now is a great time to seriously learn about a yoga swing. There is a tremendous amount of enjoyment to be had by yourself and the whole family. Bring some health into your home today.<...more