Sunday, August 3, 2008

How to Shift Gears, Change Careers, and Become a Yoga Teacher, Part 1

...ant. Here is a formula, and sequence of events, for you to consider: Focus, action, plan, envision, pace yourself, and goal realization.

Focus: It seems like you already are focused on becoming a Yoga teacher, but you should do some research on what teaching Yoga is really like. The types of Yoga teacher training courses will vary, according to style, hours required, on-site training, or correspondence course. Also, the preparation for a 90-minute Yoga class is something the average Yoga student is unaware of.

Action: Most of the worlds population never gets to this point. Most people fall into a rut and never take any action to move forward. This requires even more research about what you plan to do, how you plan to teach Yoga, and who you plan to teach Yoga to.

Plan: Write your goals down and only share them with people you can tru...more

Insider Secrets to the Business of Teaching Yoga, Part 4


Life sucks and then you die.

Enough already! stay away from these people, who want to shatter your dreams, of being a successful Yoga teacher, and believe in yourself. If you need more audio book or e-Book recommendations; send me an Email. When you develop a positive outlook, you will find yourself surrounded by positive people.

When each of us chooses to study Yoga, and then to teach Yoga; we learn about the many positive components of Yoga. Go back to the basics and cultivate prana. Practice positive meditation and positively visualize your future ev...more

Yoga for Fibromyalgia Sufferers - The Ups and Downs

...Mention Yoga to a Fibromyalgia sufferer and they usually say one of two things "Tried that and it did not work" or "I cannot do those funny positions with my pain". This negative approach to a two thousand year old tradition means they are missing out on the many benefits Yoga offers to Fibromyalgia sufferers, all it needs is a better understanding of what Yoga is, and how to adapt it to suit your illness.

Yoga consists of 3 elements;

Breathing - learn to breathe and enjoy it, too many people breathe shallow and miss out on both the physical and mental benefits of proper breathing, which is a key part of the Yoga method.

Meditation - sitting...more

Caring For And Selecting A machine Washable Yoga Mat


The great thing about yoga is that you don't need much equipment. Basically a yoga mat, a towel, and some water and you're off to the races. Of course if you've been to a yoga class or two you'll notice that people spend a lot of money on this equipment if they truly love to do yoga. This is really not necessary. Just buy the best quality that you can afford and spend your time and effort focusing on the exercise. The main thing you want to consider a course is your yoga mat since this is the only thing between you and the hard surface you're working on. Many people choose machine washable yoga mats simply because they are very easy to take care of but they also tend to be the highest quality mats as well. But even given that information it still may be difficult to pick the perfect one for you. Why? Because this is going to be the one piece of equipment the associate with the practice of yoga. You'll become intimately familiar with this piece of equipment and hopefully you'll be spending a lot of time tog...more

Beginners Yoga Videos Dvds


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