Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Miniature Golf On A First Date great first date that not too many people think of is a game of miniature golf. There is no reason to stick with the traditional dinner and a movie. Miniature golf is a great way to interact with your date, while still having a good time. The competitive atmosphere will go a long way in setting your nerves.

Miniature golf will also give you the chance to ta...more

Cheap Golf Clubs browse their site. A $49.99 Tour V81 Belly putter anyone?

Even online bidding sites like eBay and have top quality cheap golf clubs on auction. A bit of surfing time, 30 minutes at most and you will have a selection that you will find rather neat. Start with any of the sites mentioned above. You cant strike a poor bargain with them. Theyre as willing to sell as you are willing to buy a set of cheap golf clubs.

learn how to play better golf from the Golf Guru. Guaranteed to cut 7 to 12 strokes off your game in just two weeks. Visit


Vintage Golf Balls

...ined the distinction of being vintage golf balls.

Owing to their high value, a lot of fake vintage balls are doing the rounds of the market today. The Internet too is flooded with web sites selling fake vintage balls by misleading advertisements. one should therefore, be cautious when making a purchase of vintage balls. As for as possible, only dealers of repute may be approached for the purpose so as to avoid feeling cheated after the deal is finalized.<...more

Golf club Tips- Choosing the Right Golf Clubs to Fit Your Game

...ft. gold club shafts have a varying degree of flex in them, depending on the material used to make the shaft. For example, steel shafts have very little flex.

If you have a big swing and generate a lot of club head speed, but don't lign="bottom">

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