Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Hoodia and Hoodia Gordonii - Need to Know Facts

The African Hoodia Cactus

First, the African hoodia cactus is actually not a cactus but a succulent. But, it looks so much like a cactus that it is often called the African hoodia cactus. In actuality, its name is Hoodia Gordonii, or in technical terms it is Genus: Trichocaulon and its Family Name is Asclepiadaceae. But, that really is not what you came here to learn. What you probably want to learn more about is what the hoodia plant can do for you.

What You Want To Know

More than likely, to you the African Hoodia cactus is a slice of the perfect diet. You may have heard about the wonderful qualities that it claims. For one, by simply eating hoodia, you will suppress hungry. This leads to a decrease in the calories youll eat. In short, you eat much less, dont feel hungry and you end up losing weight. What could be better? The fact is, though, that hoodia can also help to increase your energy levels as well. With so much to offer, its amazing that not everyone is eating hoodia.

What You Want To Have

The African hoodia cactus has been eaten by native bushman for many hundreds of years. They ate it to withstand long journeys in which they may go several days without food. The hoodia would provide them with the energy they need and help to curb hunger pangs.

Today, if you would like to consume the plant, you may find it much more difficult to do so. The hoodia cactus is hard to obtain in straight form because of several things.

It is hard to cultivate. It can only be grown in the Kalahari Dessert region of Southern Africa. This means that you cant grow it yourself.

It has a patent on it. Although it has been consumed for hundreds of years natively, today, there are strict patents on most of the crops grown. That makes it expensive and hard to obtain, especially when the company that holds it doesnt want to provide it.

The African hoodia cactus is bitter tasting and not really pleasant to eat if you can find it.

So, whats the solution to getting the hoodia that can help you to lose weight? The best course of action for anyone looking to reduce their caloric intake through a natural substance like hoodia is to purchase and use a supplement containing the pure hoodia product. This is hard to find and costly, but the African hoodia cactus is well worth the trouble.

Everything you need to know about Hoodia and hoodia gordonii

Cl In Toronto Yoga


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