Friday, April 18, 2008

From Under Weight To Overweight, To The Perfect Beach Body By Summer's End

This workout is done by rounds so you will need a stopwatch or a watch with a second hand, you will also need to plan to workout daily, so you must make a commitment to do such. Remember people that plan to workout 5-6 days per week usually end up working out 3-4 days per week.

Days 1,2,5,10,13,19,20,28,35
1) Round one (steps for three minutes) run up and down a flight of stairs for three minutes.

Rest for one minute.

2) Round two (push ups for two minutes) do as many push ups as possible for two minutes if you must rest , rest only in the up position.

Rest for one minute.

3) Round three (dumbbell press for two minutes) use 5 to 25 pound dumbbell and press from shoulder to overhead press.

Rest for one minute.

4) Round four (dumbbell curls for three minutes) using 5 to 25 pound dumbbells.

Rest for one minute.

5) Round Five (sit ups for one minute) do whatever situps you can do for one minute nonstop.

Rest for one minute.

6) Round six Repeat round two (push ups for two minutes)

Rest for one minute

7) Round seven Jumps (jump up and down as high as possible for three minutes)

Rest one minute.

8) Round Eight Repeat round three dumbbell press for two minutes.

Rest one minute

9) Round Nine repeat round four dumbbell for two minutes.

Rest for one minute

10) Round Ten (Jumping jacks for three minutes.

Running to be done on days 3,4,6,9,12,14,18,22,25,26,30,31,33,

1) Jog for 10 minutes. Rest for two minutes.

2) Sprint for 30 seconds. Rest for two minutes. Repeat three times.

3) Sprint for 8 seconds. Rest for two minutes. repeat eight times.

4) Jog for five minutes .

Push ups to be done on days 7,8,11,15,16,17,21,23,24,27,29,32,34,36

1) 40 push ups Rest one minute and repeat 10 times.

2) 35 push ups Rest one minute and repeat 8 times.

3) 30 push ups Rest 30 seconds and repeat 6 times.

Dale Dupree Former pro boxer and delaware state champion, who enjoys helping others obtain their goals in any sport, or personal activities. I have trained many atheltes from track, football, boxing and have always enjoyed it. Anyone who desires their own personal daily workout plan can join our membership or email me at include your age, height, weight, and your desires, and date you plan to reach your desires.,,

Yoga Insructor Certification


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